2 min readJul 8, 2021


Technology like art is a soaring exercise of the human imagination and Cybersecurity is a new area where equality will exist to allow intelligence to succeed from imagination of imaginations.

As we are all gradually growing in this world, Quantum Encryption has become a must-have, an essential need to protect our digital assets and infrastructure from attackers. Cyber Security today play’s important roles in life of everyone interacting over these rectangle screens and pretty interfaces.

With a keen interest in Cyber Security, Literally Randomly Scrolling over — I got to know about this name “GPCSSI’21”. Honestly, I would scroll further and continue it for hours but as it was something to do with Cyber Security labelled in its caption — I clicked that link and that fine noon, I simply filled a google form for which I was waiting from days with the mindset like “Okay, let’s try — why would they select me. But “I WANT THEM TO SELECT ME”. I literally waited for the rejection mail or “No Mail” — But, 14th June; Exactly at 6 p.m. I received the email which read like — “Dear Intern, you’ve been selected for the Gurugram Police Cyber Security Internship — 2021” And I knew, I was ready right there!

GPCSSI’21 — Inaugural Session happened on 15th June and 16 Onwards, there was Rakshit Tandon Sir, with his amazing explanations and knowledge — Whenever I see him speaking, I wish he never stops. This amazing personality is considered to be the Cyber Security Professional but for me personally, he has been the best mentor, guide — this personality has amazing skills regarding everything — the way portrays things, examples, advices and everything in Between.

The first week covered the inaugural Session and Basics and then the second week had amazing sessions like — Email Crimes, Dark Web, Mobile Crimes, Threat Intelligence, Financial Frauds, Cyber Security Compliance etc. by various guest speaker’s which were experienced personalities and highly knowledgeable.

The third week covered topics such as — Website Hacking, Cloud Security and Internet Of Things, Human Trafficking, White side of Dark Web Through Forensic Intelligence, GDPR, Cyber Space and also, a platform was provided for CAPTURE THE FLAG.

Variety of topics for the Research, Case Studies, Ideas and research regarding developing a tool for busting any kind of cybercrime which was supposed to help cyber cell in any way and enhance our knowledge were included which added the cherry to the cake.

